Dismantle Systemic Racism!

Our Unique Positioning

NCF’s comprehensive and holistic approach, which includes investment, capacity building, and ecosystem work that is grounded in deep partnership with nonprofit leaders, differentiates it from peer funders and, according to nonprofit leaders, is leading to different outcomes.


NCF is proximate, deeply authentic, and has created a safer than normal space for nonprofit leaders. NCF considers nonprofit leaders the experts in their fields and listens deeply to their perspectives; NCF’s leadership can connect with nonprofit leaders given their own lived experiences.


NCF co-designs with nonprofit partners through a respectful approach that puts nonprofit leaders at ease and fosters deep relationships. The partnership-based approach enables nonprofit partners to collaborate and innovate in ways they don’t otherwise have the time or resources to do.


NCF believes in its nonprofit leaders to hold themselves accountable and takes responsibility to ensure they have the tools to do so. NCF is not bound by calcified rules and decades of precedent – NCF is operating as an investor disrupting philanthropy from within, challenging the ecosystem to shift outdated practices with urgency.

  • Core to NCF’s strategy is amplifying the power of nonprofit leaders and their organizations
  • NCF supports nonprofit leaders holistically via its 3-pronged approach: grants, capacity building, and ecosystem work
  • NCF offers unrestricted grants to nonprofit partners and, for many, has also provided multi-year support
  • NCF is reducing the burden on nonprofit leaders by streamlining its application and collaborating with nonprofit leaders on impact reporting
  • NCF is committed to building community and meeting the needs of nonprofit leaders its 3-pronged approach: grants, capacity building, and ecosystem work
  • NCF was created as safe of a space for nonprofit leaders to collaborate

Why We Do It

NCF was born out of love, respect, rigor, determination and courage. We have come together in hope and power with a singular focus: disrupt and reform harmful, colonialistic power structures that have created generational economic and social inequities for Black, Latino, and indigenous peoples.




